Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2015

2o Πανελλήνιο Φεστιβάλ Παιδικού και Εφηβικού Βιβλίου 2015

Το παραμύθι μας  "Μια τούρτα για την Ιωάννα" - εκδόσεις ΤΟ ΔΟΝΤΙ - ήταν εκεί

Τα παιδιά έφτιαξαν τις δικές τους τούρτες με αγάπη για την Αγάπη 

κάθε δημιούργημά μας όταν προκύπτει από την αγάπη δίνει νόημα στη ζωή μας 

Κάθε αναγνώστης διαβάζοντας γίνεται καλύτερος αναγνώστης του εαυτού του....διαβάζοντας και γράφοντας παραμύθια για τους μικρούς μας εκκολαπτόμενους αναγνώστες δίνει νόημα στη ζωή μου...ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ σε όλους τους διοργανωτές του Πανελλήνιου ΦεστιβάλΠαιδικού και Εφηβικού Βιβλίου...

Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου 2015

ΜΙΑ ΤΟΥΡΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΙΩΑΝΝΑ - Γιορτάζουμε την παγκόσμια ημέρα παιδικού βιβλίου και σάς περιμένουμε :)

Βιβλίο…χρόνια πολλά!

Κυριακή 5 Απριλίου, 11:30 - 13:00

Πλοήγηση Εκδήλωσης

παγκόσμια ημέρα βιβλίου

Το βιβλίο…

γιορτάζει με εκδηλώσεις για μικρούς και μεγάλους στο Λυρικό Μικρό Πλανήτη.

Την Κυριακή 5 Απριλίου στις 11.30-13.00 η συγγραφέας Μαρία Παπαμαργαρίτη – Μπασινά παρουσιάζει το βιβλίο της «Μια τούρτα για την Ιωάννα».

Μια τρυφερή ιστορία που ξεκινά από το πως φτιάχνεται μια τούρτα και καταλήγει να μιλά για την αξία της αγάπης και της φιλίας. Την εκδήλωση θα πλαισιώσουν οι μικροί ηθοποιοί της θεατρικής ομάδας «Λυρικός μικρός πλανήτης» που θα δραματοποιήσουν το παραμύθι και θα ευχηθούν χρόνια πολλά στο βιβλίο.
Ηλικία: 3 -10 ετών / Είσοδος ελεύθερη

    Δευτέρα 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

    The Must- to -Say List for our Kids - A 'Decalogue' for Happy Kids (Part 1)

    Is there a Must - to- Say List for our Kids?

    Part One 

       There is no doubt that actions speak louder and better than words. A widely acknowledged piece of truth. Still, there seems to be such emphasis on the Must-To-Do List within every single family that I have started wondering how many families are there who still speak to each other. So, my dearests I have come to think that it is time we had "a family gathering for the remaining family members who still speak to each other" 

        So, now let's imagine that we have the gathering. And then let's hope for the best and let's find ourselves enjoying the gathering with our beloved ones who share the same hopeful need with us, the need to talk. What is there to say? Other that the Must-To-Do list?

       Now, let's not freak out, not yet.... there must be something to say other than the due day to pick the clothes from the cleaners' or the day of the dentist's appointment or the reminding of the leaking tap that needs fixing, or the quarrel while trying to decide on who is responsible to getting the oldest one to football and who is responsible for the younger's music lessons ...and so on.... and bla bla bla.... and then the TV is switched on and everybody gets lost in his nerves again.... 

       Well today I am not going to spend not even a fraction of a second on what is or ought to be told between a couple. But I am going to remind myself and you as well of the Ten things that parents ought to say to their children so that they can always hope that they will find something to talk about when they get together other than the housework, or the homework or the dreadful Must-To-Do List. 

    1. Number One : I am so happy to have you 

    It's not bad to remember how lucky we are to have a kid or kids. Moreover to thank them for enlightening our buffing and confusing routine. Kids are not ours. They are our lives' gifts. has there been any moment that you have been offered a present and you have not expressed your thanks? I don't think so, Only a live Thank you suits a live present.

    2. Number Two : Always stand up for your opinion -no matter how different it is from mine

    We always complain about our kids turning to mimics of what they see or what they hear. How responsible may we really be? How often do we encourage our kids to express their own opinion, their own thought? How often do we let our kids - let alone encourage - to leave their own trademark on an everyday basis in their own decisions? 

    3. Number Three: You Know I love you, right?

    Love has never hurt anyone. Neither its admitting to it. It is time we allowed the words 'I love you" take us upon their magic cloud and travel us all around the heavenly world of positive feelings. Let's not forget: The more you share your feelings, the more powerful they become. 

    4. Number Four: I am so proud of you

    Showing your kid how proud you are of him /her and his /her achievements is the ultimate means of empowering one's confidence and self-esteem. Think about yourself. How much in love did you feel you are when your beloved one congratulated you on your dressing choices or your cooking? 

    Till the second part of the Decalogue comes in the blog, watch out and remember that 

    "Family is a gift that lasts Forever'' as long as you care for it .... 
    to be continued 


    The MYTH, The LEGEND and the Greek Party of SYRIZA

    The MYTH, The LEGEND and the Greek Party of SYRIZA

        When you open a dictionary trying to find the definition for the word Myth, the first scientifically reasoned explanation you are provided with, is the Greek origin of the word in terms of its etymology. Myth comes from the Ancient Greek word  "my- thos" which represents and defines anything that can be delivered through the mouth. 

        So, a myth is a kind of speech, a kind of narrative that expresses the mysterious inner thoughts of someone. Then Mythology was born as the science that studies the total of myths that have been generated within time from the human need to rationalize and explain the natural phenomena and any seemingly inexplicable aspects of life. 

       The main difference between a Myth and a Legend is that the Legend which is usually the myth existing about a specific figure or person, is based on a greater extent upon true historical facts compared to a myth that is born by the need to deal with supernatural and reach the answer to the everlasting question of life's mystery. Whee do we come from? What are we made of? And where are we supposed to be heading at? What is that which gives life to life itself?

        Humans have always been attracted to myths and legends. The mythological treasure of each nation has turned to each culture's source of development. Like Joseph Campbell, a mythology lover and worldwide acknowledged teacher has said "Mythology is not a lie. Mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical.  It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth - penultimate because the ultimate cannot put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told. " Joseph Campbell

       Inspired by this attributed trait of Mythology on behalf of John Campbell, I have started wondering about the extent to which nowadays people are facing an unabridged gap between what can be told and what can be known but not told. Are words nowadays short of expressing what can be known or thought? Are there any truths that words cannot express? And if there are, then who comes to open the gate for them so that they can find their way out? 

      Maybe a kind of Modern Mythology then. Maybe a new kind of Mythology is born out of nowadays' supernatural or abnormal or metaphysical paradoxes that people are asked to face on an everyday basis. Because how else can people explain the paradox of not balanced development and progress all over the world? How can the non existing equality in terms of material wealth and progress among the members of a group can be explained? 

      Of course there is always space for mistakes and fatal errors. Fatal errors committed on behalf of countries, of groups, of politicians may be the sufficient explanation and reasoning of such a paradox. But then again people wake up and are asked to live with the burden of a committed fatal mistake before them and without them, or in the worst case with their silent acceptance.

       So, the Myth of the Change was born. The Myth of Syriza, the party winner of the recent Greek elections. It seems that Greeks have formed their modern myth. There is something that cannot be told. Because the established rules, the pre-defined and accepted beforehand agreements and regulations are forbidding the thought of getting out of the dead -end of a dead or semi - dead, bleeding Greek economy to be expressed in clear and loud voice as a wish. 

    And just like that the Legend was built. The Legend and the Myth of the rebirth of the bleeding Greek Economy. Syriza won the elections and took people's untold but deeply known truths in its hands. But there is no modern Heracles, there is no Modern Odysseus or Zeus who can cast his thunders and eliminate any monsters like Ancient Titanes who wished to take over authority at any cost. There is no  woman like Minoas' daughter Ariadne to offer the Greeks the ball of thread out of the labyrinth of their self-bleeding. There is only a demand for cooperation and assurance that all Modern Ariadne daughters, all those who have devoted their lives in studying economy and its mysteries, strengths and weaknesses becoming Economists,  will find the ball of thread without leaving anyone in any labyrinth of darkness. 

    Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

    THE ROAD NOT TAKEN - A POEM BY ROBERT FROST - Dedicated to the Greek Elections of January 2015

    'THE ROAD NOT TAKEN ' and the Greek Elections of January 2015

    when a poem by Robert Frost draws the portrait of the nowadays European Community 

       Written in the 1920s, the poem 'The Road not Taken' is a poem about two roads and a man standing in front of them. Having spent my last months within the national elections fever and finding myself within the turmoil of all the predictions regarding the future of the Greek nation within the European community, I have come across this poem which has always appealed to me. 

        If I was offered the possibility to find a literary color to paint the present situation of the Greek nation and the Greek country nowadays, The Road not Taken would be this color. I am not a politician and I have never been involved in any kind of political activities other than participating in my country's elections. And the truth is that never before can I remember myself to have been so tremendously troubled than in the recent elections of January 2015. The reason is as simple as that. I found myself feeling like the man of Robert Frost's poem. Standing in front of two roads, I am looking at each one feeling incapable to predict my satisfaction on my choice. 

        But the poet has stood up and has let his voice speak loud and clear. The traveler of the poem stands before two roads and he seems not to have got the slightest idea on which road to pick so that he can go on with his journey. The whole procedure of looking for the right answer in himself, is depicted in the following stanzas of the poem. ‘And he looked down, one as far as I could / To where it bent in the undergrowth / Then took the other, as just as fair / And having perhaps the better claim…’ writes Frost in his second stanza.

       The reader witnesses the traveler’s dilemma for real. Both roads are so alike. They are similar so there is really no way to make the right or wrong choice. The reader gets the impression that one road must be chosen so one is chosen just by luck. Both roads opening their paths in front of the narrator seem equally worn, since ‘Though as for that, the passing there / Had worn them really about the same / And both that morning equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black.’So the narrator chooses one of the two roads appearing exactly the same and reaches his last years of life in the last stanza where he shares a kind of confession with his readers. ‘ I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence / Two roads diverged in a wood and I - / I took the one less traveled by / And that has made all the difference.’

       So the narrator shares his personal truth. He will say that the road he chose was the less traveled by. This is something he will say with a sigh. Why? Because he really does not know whether or not he should have chosen another path. 

       It seems that Frost aims at raising the question which still remains unanswered. When people are asked to choose their paths, what is the most crucial factor affecting their choices? And the most important question lies in one’s choice is what would have happened differently if one had chosen something else than what he first chose.

      The narrator of the poem seems to feel puzzled and not be able to give an answer to this question. He probably wants to say that the journey of one’s life is in a way predestined by factors which are not and cannot be predestined by humans. There is this mystery in human life predefined by mysterious forces like fate and luck. There is even lots to be said in the field of how free one is to choose paths and routes in his / her life. According to the narrator there is really no need in feeling remorse for our choices, in feeling that if one path had been chosen differently things would have come out different.
    The narrator seems to believe that either way the painful truth remains. No one can ever know for sure what his / her life would be like if chosen differently. It could be better or it could be worse. But there is always a sigh when looking back in life. There is this sigh as a means of defending against the possibility that one failed because he chose this particular path and not the other.
    One way or the other the journey in life remains the same in terms of entailing equal difficulties, failures, and / or successes. This is what the journey in life is according to Frost.

    Could this be the meaning of the Greeks' choice in these recent elections? Could this choice of theirs be their answer to the increasing troubling question on what Europe's future is when no free choices exist other than the imposed ones? Could it just be the expression of their grief since they have come to the realization that neither they nor the others equal members of their European team have realized that they have lost their energy trying to find the correct choice, the correct path without having spent even a fraction of a second on paving their common paths? 

    Poetry may be the solution to drawing and painting the feelings. But actions following common wishes for common welfare and common drawing of paths is the solution to the dead- end of a trembling Europe who tries to balance on the non-balance of the increasing gap between the weakest and the most powerful ones .... maybe....